Unlock in-store cross-selling opportunities
Hakuna Assist is a web-based tool that enables your sales staff to sell product protection to your customers directly at the point of sale.
Enhance the sales pitch
Hakuna Assist gives you easy access to customized protection plans that you can offer to your customers during the sales process. You’ll be able to advise them on the best options for the products they’re buying right then and there, and close the deal on the spot.
Designed for sales teams
Tailored product protection offers
Immediate added value


Start selling right away

You can start selling product protection in-store as soon as you get your Hakuna Assist login. To make a sale, all you need to do is open the web-based tool and enter the product and payment information. Hakuna will trigger the provision of the insurance documents and payment collection automatically.

No technical integration
Minimal requirements
Easy and intuitive selling process


You likely already have everything you need

As long as you can meet the two requirements below, you’re good to go. We'll make sure you can get the most out of Hakuna Assist with additional sales training and marketing material support.
Offline sales with consultation
Your sales staff need to interact directly with your customers during the offline sales process to advise them on their best options and complete the sale.
Internet devices @ POS
Your sales staff need access to an internet device with a web browser to use Hakuna Assist to sell product protection. Tablets, laptops, or smartphones all work.

Here’s how it works

Set up your protection program
Your account manager will help you choose which products to offer protection for, what type(s) of protection to offer, what term lengths and payment cycles to provide, and how much commission to charge. And if you already have a protection program, we can apply your existing set-up to Hakuna Assist right away.
Learn more
Prepare your stores
Our expert instructors will equip and motivate your sales staff to effectively use Hakuna Assist to sell product protection in store with specialized training sessions. We’ll also help you create marketing materials to support them in converting customers.
Start selling
Use Hakuna Assist to sell product protection to customers at the POS. We'll transfer you your commission and use the customer data you collected at checkout to finalize the insurance documents, collect the payment and email customers everything they need.

Get started with Hakuna Assist

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